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Game Name : Azure Dreams
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2002-06-17 01:48:18
Views : 24607

Cheat :
Call Your Mother:
Before heading out for the Tower be sure to tell your mother you're leaving. In return for your courtesy she'll provide you with a much-needed Pita Fruit.

Easy Money
Here's a simple solution to money problems. First you need to build a race track. Once you've got it built, go inside and bet $1000 on the '3-4' combination (if the odds aren't high enough, leave and come back.)

When the race starts, speed up and get in horse #2's way. By doing this, horse #2 slows down and horse #3 and #4 will take the lead. All you have to do now is to lose the race. Repeat as needed.

Love Interest: Cherrl
1. Go to Nico's house and talk to her father. That should trigger Nico's entrance. She will talk to you about how the town isn't cultured enough. She'll also talk to you about her donations to the hospital and temple.

2. Go to the hospital and talk to the doctor. Say the place isn't that bad.

3. Leave. Go to the tower. Come back by way of wind crystal (dieing doesn't work). Sell off any new possesions, because you need 4000 gold.

4. Return to the hospital and the doctor will jokingly ask f you are there to donate for a new hospital. Say you are. Give him the money.

5. Go to the tower again. Return by way of wind crystal.

6. Re-Visit the hospital again and talk to the doctor. He'll thank you.

7. Go to the to the tower. 8. Upon your return, in the house just north of the hospital, you should see a blond girl (Cherrl) looking out the window. Talk to her. You'll frighten her (You Brute) and she'll drop her doll. Pick it up and give it to her.

9. The rest is up to you.

Love Interest: Fur
1. Go to the store alot (I'm talking after every time you come back from the tower).

2. Every time Fur says something try to be as polite as possible.

3. Buy her some gifts, it'll pay off in the end (I personally only bought her up to handbag).

4. At a point your arch-rival will be talking to her and he will annoy her. Now she is ready for you!

Love Interest: Mia Myria
To seduce this girl (though only heaven knows why you'd want to) you must do only one major thing.

Keep talking to the old man in the east side of town, who collects books. His collection of books will soon out grow his house. He will ask you to build him a library. Do so, then visit it periodically to see the lovely (???) Mia Myria.

Love Interest: Nico
Just help build the town up and donate money for the fountain she wants to build.

Love Interest: Patty
To get Patty as a love interest you must first make her notice you. Do it in these steps:
1) Wait until Ghosh is a regular at the restaurant. When he is always sitting at the table, then you can start ordering.

2) Order everything on the menu, one at a time and don't forget to pay. Just for fun, say you don't have any money once.

3) Tell Ghosh to shut up everytime you go in, and remark to him when he talks about your choices on the menu.

After you order everything on the menu you must go to the tower one more time. When you return you can go to the restaurant and find it to be closed, but Patty is there by herself. She will ask you to sit down and fix you something.

4) Ask for her specialty, the prawns.

There will be another conversation and she will greet you after you go to the tower again the next time you visit the restaurant. When Ghosh asks what's going on, Patty will say it's our little secret.

5) Agree with Patty.

Ghosh will get so mad that he will leave the restaurant without paying. The next time you visit the restaurant, again after visiting the tower first, Patty will have an argument with Ghosh, stick up for you if you decided not to pay any time, and kick him out. Voila! Patty is now in love with you.

Love Interest: Selfi
The way I did it was saving her life in the tower and keep talking with her in the 2F. of the tower (agree with everything she tells you) until she actually saves your life.

Love Interest: Vivian
These are the steps needed to start your romance with Vivian. 1. Talk to Madame from the bar, frequently. She will go on about her adventurer with the blue cape.

2. Make your way up to the tower to the 25th floor. There you should be able to find a blue cape.

3. Take this cape back to her. She'll cry and close the bar. As a patriotic drunk it's your job to convince her life is worth living, so she'll re-open the bar.

4. Once you convince her that it's o.k. she'll re-open the bar. The next time you go in there Vivian will be dancing on the small stage.

Monster Hunting Tips
Need to get rid of a pesky monster before it attacks? Throw one of your items at him. Magic items will generate whatever effect the would on you, leading to some interesting possibilities.

For example, if you thrown an Olean (the blue fruit) at a monster it will vanish instantly.

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